Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much does VentureXpert Advisors cost?
A: If you've ever talked to one of the big consulting firms and come away with sticker shock, come talk to us. Our initial consultation is free. If it’s a good fit, we'll work with you to find the sweet spot where you're getting the most out of VentureXpert Advisors for your money.
Q: I'm skeptical that a bunch of business consultants can help me — I know more about my business than anyone else. Why should I hire you?
A: With VentureXpert Advisors, you're not hiring a bunch of generic consultants fresh out of business school who know a little bit about a lot of things. You're getting access to an all-star team of specialists, with deep knowledge and years of experience in specific areas. You know what you're good at, and you probably know where you could use some help. With VentureXpert Advisors, you can keep doing what you do best, and let our experts do the rest.
Q: I can find all kinds of consultants on the internet. Why should I hire you?
A: All of VentureXpert Advisors’ consultants are time-tested and proven experts in their fields. Together, we can tackle just about any issues your business is dealing with, and if you’re not sure where to start, we can help you figure that out too. Another benefit: we are team players — our consultants work together seamlessly. There's no juggling feedback from different consulting firms with us and no flurry of bills coming in from different firms. VentureXpert Advisors is one great team, working to grow your business.